近日,周六福珠宝携手颐和仙境推出国潮新品,以巨幅广告强势登陆纽约时代广场,向世界展示东方珠宝的独特魅力。 Recently, ZHOU LIU FU Jewellery teamed up with Summer Palace Wonderlan...
"We are a 30-year-old company, and have been participating in this fair for 20 years," Yu said. "We met most of our North American and Western European partners at this fair." Like JAZZI, many Chinese enterprises use the Canton Fair to "go global,"...
梅根王妃南非之行所穿的衬衫裙 图片来源:Vanity Fair 被中国粉丝称为“甜茶”的男星Timothée Chalamet是网友认为第二会穿的名人,许多人对他在金球奖红毯上穿的LV背心印象深刻。近来席...
《Rosemary’s Baby (罗斯玛丽的婴儿)》(图片来源:Vanity Fair) 民间恐怖故事的主题在 70 年代初期的恐怖电影中蔓延开来,这些电影中常有着关于迷信和异教仪式的场景。如《Wicker Man (...
为实现商业化运作,Google需要收集更多电子病历。不过就目前而言,Google表示:AI预测系统开启商业化模式还为时过早。 参考资料: 1. Bloomberg: Google Is Training Machines to Predict When a Patient Will Die 2. Vanity Fair: Google Thinks It Can Predict When You...